Simon Aworigo
Welcome to the Official Account of Simon Akibange Aworigo, NDC Parliamentary Candidate for Navrongo Central Constituency.


A Man of the People

He is humble and resonates with ordinary members of the constituency. Simon Aworigo's down-to-earth demeanor and willingness to engage in open dialogue foster a sense of trust and unity within the community.

A Unifier

Fluent in two major languages of the constituency (Kasem & Nankani). Aworigo communicates easily without an interpreter, whether attending local events, listening to constituents' grievances, or participating in grassroots initiatives

A Dedicated Servant

Simon has the welfare of his constituents at heart. He has been supporting community projects and initiatives since 2017. Simon Aworigo's actions extend beyond mere political rhetoric; they reflect a deep-seated passion for improving the lives of those he serves.

Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year, surrounded by the comfort of family. May the spirit of the season inspire unity and cooperation as we work towards a brighter future. 🎄

Why Chooose John Mahama and Simon Aworigo?

I am coming before you, in all humility, and in response to calls from my party and the generality of the people of Ghana, to offer myself, to serve this country and its people that I love so dearly, by first putting myself up for election in the NDC Presidential Primaries

Our country urgently needs a leader with an unwavering desire to get things done in a no-frills, no thrills, business-like manner. Not one enamored with sloganeering, excessive partisanship, personal comfort, and shallow populism.

I have officially joined the race to contest for the flagbearer slot of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) for the 2024 elections, which I consider to be the most important and defining poll of our time.

This government (NPP) has been clueless and, in many cases, callous. Ghana is bankrupt. We are saddled with debt we simply cannot pay, and we have suffered the global humiliation of defaulting on our debts and being downgraded by credit rating agencies to the lowest levels in our history.

Our economy is in its worst ever shape, with suffering and pain on an unprecedented scale. Parents are being forced to make hard choices between seeking prompt health care for their sick children and providing meals with their meagre resources for families.

We shall actively pursue policies to ensure robust local participation in our banking, financial, telecommunications, mining, agriculture, agribusiness, and manufacturing sectors. This will be anchored on our plan to grow the economy and create sustainable employment for our youth.

We will make investments in productive sectors of the economy like agriculture, industry, technology, digitilisation and tourism to spur growth and generate jobs for the teeming youth who continue to lose hope by the day.


Portraits of Compassion